Castello Svevo of Bari

Located near the old town of Bari, in defense against attacks from the sea, the Swabian castle is one of the most important historical symbols of the capital of Puglia. The majestic castle is built on previous Byzantine settlements and subsequently underwent several building phases from the twelfth to the sixteenth century. In 1131, on the orders of Roger the Norman, it was built the core of clear medieval architecture quadrangular with four towers at the corners. Later it restored by Frederick II of Swabia between 1233 and 1240.
Il periodo di massimo splendore viene raggiunto fra il 1501 e il 1549 quando Isabella d’ Aragona e la figlia Bona Sforza, duchesse di Bari, vi stabiliscono una elegante corte rinascimentale e, causa l’ evoluzione delle tecniche dell’ artiglieria, vengono effettuati lavori di fortificazioni. Visitabile tutto l’ anno ospita mostre, eventi culturali, sale multimediale e gipsoteca.

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Piazza Federico II di Svevia, 4
70122 Bari

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