City of the famous 1503 duel between Italian and French knights, Barletta boasts one of the largest castles of Puglia included, by Frederick II of Swabia between those of Earth Giustizierato of Bari. Erected by the Normans in the second half of the twelfth century is unquestionable keeper of the history of this city. Like all castles, net structural traces left by the various cultures that have alternated over the centuries. Transformed by the Anjou from manor in fortress, was Charles V, ruled Aragonese, he consolidate his defensive role. Now home of the Heritage and Cultural Services is the museum center of the city of Barletta is home to interesting exhibitions, cultural events that continue to bear witness to the historic charm of this land.

The Trani Castle, located on the sea front of the majestic Romanesque cathedral, is one of the most important among those facts built by 'Emperor Frederick II in defense of his beloved United of Sicily. Strategically placed in the middle of a sparse whose shallow waters have always been considered a 'good natural defense of the city against attack from the sea, the castle of Trani was built on the model of the fortifications Crusades in the Holy Land. As for most of the fortifications of Puglia was the first domain of the Angevin and then Aragonese. With the 'evolution of firearms and threats of Turkish raids in the sixteenth century, was a necessary structural adjustment to improve its strategic and defense of the city. Prison until 1974 was
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In the campaigns of Andria, nestled on the hill is the famous and legendary Castel del Monte. UNESCO World Heritage since 1996, the castle was built by Frederick II of Swabia around 1240. An essential element in the communication system of 'era, critics have always ruled out a military function for the absence of elements such as the moat and the drawbridge.
His destination was always the object of study, the luxury and refinement of the finishing kit architectural suggest a residential and representation reserved for a small circle close to 'Emperor.